
Do i deserve to die
Do i deserve to die

do i deserve to die

But according to Scripture, “no one is good except God” ( Mark 10:8). Society, in general, cannot bear this kind of justice bad people do not deserve mercy.

#Do i deserve to die serial#

If a serial killer truly repented and gave his life to Christ 10 minutes before being put to death in prison, he would go to Heaven. The startling truth is that if the most generous, selfless person you met did not give her heart to Jesus, she would go to Hell because salvation only comes through Jesus. Their comfort comes from the Lord himself, and this is counted by the faithful as immeasurable, undeserved treasure beyond anything the world can offer. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (v.4).

do i deserve to die

The faithful are poor and meek and they count blessings in terms of their relationship with God ( Matthew 5).

do i deserve to die

Salvation is a gift of grace and it comes in one denomination there are no levels of salvation but a single measure for all who will receive it. No one earns salvation, so God does not modify payment on the basis of how long one has been a Christian. We believe it is fair to be paid by the hour, or for each item we produce, or according to some measurement of output. In earthly terms, this is counterintuitive. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?” ( Matthew 20:13-15). I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. “Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what belongs to you and go. Jesus never said, “you get what you deserve” or “you’ll get what’s coming to you.” Scripture has things to say about fairness and justice which, to a materially minded audience, are scandalous. Some Christians even think they deserve material privilege in this lifetime. We do not deserve grace, and yet Jesus never says such a thing to us even when we forget that we are not entitled to a place in Heaven based on personal merit. There is only one guarantee in the Christ-centered life and that is salvation by grace.

Do i deserve to die